Sunday, November 24, 2013

Artificial Intelligence and the Modern World

When the term "Artificial Intelligence" is brought up, the most common instant association that we think of is hyper intelligent robots that have become self aware and sentient and with their newly gained consciousness, they desire to wipe out humanity and destroy their creators.

That is the Hollywood version of artificial intelligence that has become widespread (although it is quite a fun one). The simplest way to describe an artificial intelligence is a set of determining commands that determine the behavior of some kind of mechanism, most commonly associated with is the computer.

The concept of artificial intelligence was aided by the hyper development of computer science in the last century.

A determining set of commands that execute to perform functions is the base idea of an artificial intelligence. taken to a super complex level, these commands can have so many functions and applications that they can perform high complex functions. Such an example would be the Mars rover Curiosity launched a few years back. A probe to Mars would have to be implemented with scientific functions that could collect and test material on the planet and relay that information back to us back on Earth.

In future applications artificial intelligences are sure to become more widespread. In fact, even now they are wide spread, but we don't know it. Our calculators are extremely primitive examples of artificial intelligences that can compute mathematical formulas. A more modern example would be the artificial intelligence of an enemy or non-player character in a video game. These models contain subroutines to be carried out if certain circumstances are met, such as attack, talk, sit, idle, and the list is immense.

The pop-culture notion of robots taking over the world is a hoax. It would take all the computing power of every computer in existence to even attempt to match the power of the human brain.


  1. I don't think that out AI is primitive, we just don't have a single AI that is good at everything. We currently have many AI that are better at doing tasks that humans. The most famous example right now is the Google self driving car. The car has over 100,000 miles and no accident, better than most people in the U.S today. IBM computer Deep Blue in 1997 beat the worlds best chess player. In 2013 IBM's Watson was statistically proven to be better than doctors at diagnosing cancer. I think that you are underestimating the power of AI in 2013.

  2. Hi Josh, I totally agree with Singh that we don't have any AI that can handle everything. One AI can only handle certain tasks depending on how it's programmed. One of the most popular AIs is the robot that does surgery at University Of California in San Diego. It has done a lot of successful surgery without even a tiny mistake. The way you think about AI is a little bit like science fictions. However, I do believe there will be many more AI applications in the future that help us have a better life. You could definitely improve your post by providing some images about AIs.

  3. Hello, Josh, as I searched for AI, it is not impossible for robot to dominate someday like in movie. We are already living by counting on robot. For example, even robot/machines work little things instead of people like self-cashier. It's just not good for people because it causes people to be lack of ability. So, I'm still wondering whether people have to try to make advanced robot as much as people can or not.
