Friday, September 20, 2013

LinkedIn and Branding: Networking and Selling Your Skillset

Imagine yourself as a fresh college graduate having just entered the job market in search of a place to put your skill set to use. However, after several months of searching, no job offers can be seen on the horizon. You wonder to yourself why is that?

Unfortunately this is a case all too common for fresh college graduates. Many fall into the dangerous idea that upon graduation from college, bountiful amazing job offers will just fall from the sky into their laps. The truth, however, is not so pleasant. Opportunities come not just from having a college degree and proof of a marketable skill set, but also the networking that is created during college.

One way to create that network is to actively market yourself. What does that mean? It simply means to let business and companies know that you are on the job market and are providing for them your experience and skills. What makes this different from job hunting? It means that you are marketing yourself as a brand, meaning that you are selling yourself as a unique employee.

And the best place to do that currently, is through the online website: On LinkedIn many mid to top level jobs are offered there and profiles of other job seekers are available to help yourself improve on your own profile. It also provides the opportunity to get into contact with potential employers and also groups with similar backgrounds, simply an effective way to network online.

Friday, September 13, 2013

QR Codes, What Are They?

Ever see those pixellated squares randomly littered in odd places as you walk through your city? In actuality, those pixellated squares are a type of barcode originating from Japan, QR being an acronymn for Quick Response. These 2D barcodes can contain URLs, tracking or contact information.

In order to put a URL into a QR code, the URL must first be made into a shortened URL which can be done through which is a URL shortener provided by Google. Then take that shortened and paste it into which will embed that URL into a unique QR code.

The utility of QR codes come several utilities. First, from its ability to be scanned by smart phones with QR code scanning software used through it's camera (most smartphones phones, if not all, are QR code software compatible) so long as that phone has wireless internet or 3G or 4G internet. QR codes also have the ability in them to be customizable into images to better represent a business or brand.

QR codes are widely used in Japan and their use is rising in Europe. However, the level of QR code use is not large as the barcode.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Social Networking Security in Business Promotion: Secure or Fallible?

In today's modern era dominated by the advent of the internet, social media has become a powerful tool in which businesses can promote their services and their brands. However, due to the staggering amount of use social media has generated from business and personal accounts, it has made itself a prime target for those seeking to maliciously gain private information. Such people who attempt to gain restricted information are called phishers. Confidential and personal information stored on social media accounts are valuable targets to phishers because that information may be linked to other accounts which might have financial information and resources.

There are several methods in which phishers attempt to obtain information from social media users. They range from spam emails containing bogus links or false information trying to get the user to unknowingly divulge information. There are also spam app or game invites or fake game related lures like "CHEATS!". Other schemes try to falsely get the user to give their information through fake
login screens.
Don't get hooked!

In response to the danger of virtual identity theft, all users including businesses should be more careful when interacting online. The first and most effective way to safeguard personal information is to simply have a keen eye and avoid all scams. Phishing scams usually all have similar language, for example "This really works! I tested it myself! Just click the link and you'll get it free!" or they usually try to trick with popups declaring your computer is in danger. If recognizing phishing attempts is a bit harder for you, then setting safeguards is the next best thing. Some tips suggest that you do not have the same password for all of your accounts, create unique passwords with special characters and numbers and store them in the website that can only be accessed through security questions. An effective way to keep information off unwanted hands is to always go to the security settings of whichever website you're on and change the settings to be off limits to unknown persons and inaccessible to the general public, only acquaintances. Safe websites will always include "https://...." with the "s" standing for secure. Other traditional methods include up-to-date security software on your computer and running regular scans for phishing software.

The internet has become an integral and powerful tool in today's modern world. However, it does not come without its dangers, which in the case of social media refer to phishing scams.