What exactly entails the term, computer hacking? At the beginning of the internet and computer revolution, there was only a vague understanding of what it meant. But, as the internet and computer has become more and more integrated into everyday life, awareness has increased much more so than before. However, there are still many unclear specifications about hacking that have yet to become common knowledge.
Computer hacking is the exploitation of a computer, computer system, network, (and surprisingly also classified) or human error, that allows the hacker to gain illegally accessed privileges, sensitive information, or money.
Hacking has a very ugly side that most people did not realize until recent events; that is in reference to the revelation of severe violations of privacy invaded by the National Security Agency (NSA) which was shed light upon by one of the agency's contractors Edward Snowden. The revelation that the NSA had vastly superior hacking methods and technologies absolutely threw the world, and I mean the entire world, into chaos. Even now, upon further review of the secrets Snowden revealed through over the 200,000 documents that he leaked is still causing uproar.
Hacking is a dangerous tool if one is capable of it.